Charitable Donations

Armstrong & Oxford’s chosen charity is currently Focus Ireland who work to support those facing homelessness in Ireland. For details of their work please go to

Environmental Policy & Ethics


Armstrong & Oxford is committed to achieving environmental best practice throughout its business activities, wherever this is practicable. We recognise that the pursuit of economic growth and a healthy environment must be closely linked and that ecological protection and sustainable development are collective responsibilities in which governments, businesses, individuals, and communities all have a role to play.


Our Environmental Responsibility Programme (ERP) is based upon continuous improvement, consistent with current knowledge. Everybody within the organisation has responsibility for ensuring the principles of the ERP are incorporated in their everyday activities.


Environmental management continues to be a corporate priority, fully integrated into our business. We believe that good environmental performance is a key indicator in demonstrating effective corporate management.

Operating Practices

Armstrong & Oxford aims to fully meet all its legal obligations to the environment and will work continuously to achieve the best environmental operating practices within the fields it operates. We will also inform our suppliers and contractors about our environmental policy and waste disposal practices and cite their responsibilities.


Our objective is to search for ways to improve material and energy efficiency and to reduce the environmental impact of its products and systems. Armstrong & Oxford will seek to minimise the use of resources and encourage economically and ecologically justified systems for the re-use, recycling or proper disposal of any waste products.

Improvement Targets

By conducting regular environmental reviews, and assessing our environmental impact, we will measure our performance and ensure that we are meeting our ERP goals, as well as compliance requirements. Targets for improved environmental performance will be reviewed and set in light of this.

Use of Materials

We aim to monitor and control the environmental impact of our manufacturing processes. This impact should be kept as low as technically possible and economically feasible. We will encourage our suppliers to pursue best practice. Our procurement policy will take account of this, and in so far as is practicable, suppliers who provide sustainable materials coupled with sound environmental performance will be preferred. We will seek to ensure that suppliers of unsuitable products and services are not pursued.

Training and Awareness

Through training and education we will ensure that all employees are aware of their responsibilities to enable them to act in an environmentally responsible manner.

Ethical Considerations

We seek to ensure that within our sphere of influence all individuals are treated in an equitable manner. In addition to our own standards laid down in our Equal Opportunities Policy, suppliers are expected to trade fairly with others and maintain the highest ethical standards. The company will not trade with individuals or organisations that we believe do not meet these requirements.